Top ten list of hazardous electrical problems in the office

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We always know that electrical hazards wherever it is should be taken care of with special care. It is not any different when it comes to the workplace. A construction site, like an office in a business structure, has a number of potential electrical risks. To avoid problems, electrical maintenance and safety checks should be performed on a regular basis by a competent team. If you find such a problem you can contact DEWA approved electrical services Dubai. Now we focus on Top ten list of hazardous electrical problems in the office

Hazardous electrical problems in the office

Now, let us look into some common yet dangerous electrical problems in the office.

Equipment that are damaged

There are some dangerous situations in the office environment you can avoid if you put special care. It is true the office environment is busy and sometimes you don’t notice it being damaged. Appliances and other electronics get easily destroyed without special care. People who are busy working at the office might notice the problem with types of equipment at the last moment and that is when everything goes wrong.

 The equipment seems fine until you actually find out it is not fine. So we recommend you to check on cords for damage, cables, and wires. Check if there are any kind of defects and replace them for better usage.

Incorrect grounding  

Do you know what is the most dangerous electrical situation in the workplace? It is the problem that comes with insufficient grounding. If the grounding is not done perfectly then you are to witness an electrical hazard. Electrocution can happen in such cases, putting people’s life into crisis. Contact us for the best electrical solutions in Dubai.

Dangers within overloaded circuits

 It is normal for a middle size office to have not enough outlets for the number of people they work in. In such cases employees can use extension cords. To avoid overloading the circuits, make sure the extension cords are spaced equally. They must be put in a neat manner so that they do not become a tripping hazard or become wet. Smart extension cords with integrated on/off switches and overload safety are ideal. It’s also a good idea to use adaptors.

Worn out insulation 

When inspecting the insulation on your equipment, make sure the power is turned off. Replace it with new high-grade insulation if it’s of poor quality. Never use tape to repair obvious damage as a quick patch since it will not hold and will be unsafe.

Incorrect Wiring

Did you realize that the size of the wire matters? We doubt it, and we don’t expect you to either. The wrong-sized wires, on the other hand, can overheat and cause a fire. If you’re unsure about the wiring in your office, you should have a properly qualified electrician check the situation.

Electrical components that are exposed

Temporary lights, power cable insulation that has come loose, and power units that have been left open, are some examples of electrical components that might cause electric shocks and burns if they are exposed. If you see any of these issues, make sure to install suitable safeguards and warning labels, and then have a professional electrician make the necessary repairs as soon as possible.

Higher risk workplaces

Of course, not all workplaces are made equal. Some people are more vulnerable to electrical risks than others. What exactly does this imply? It’s work environments where equipment is exposed to dampness, heat, corrosive chemicals, and dust, to mention a few. These locations must be inspected and cleaned on a regular basis, and the equipment must be checked on a regular basis.

Workers with pacemakers

If you have employees who have to wear a pacemaker due to a medical condition, you must make them aware of any potential electromagnetic threats. As far as is reasonably possible, eliminate any threats to their health and safety. Have a competent electrician inspect and appraise your workplace so that all employees are aware of the situation.

Lighting  issues

Never leave the office without turning off the lights or any appliance. If halogen bulbs are still in use at your company, they must be replaced immediately with safer alternatives. Any exposed lighting cables must be tucked away carefully and neatly and also you should especially make sure that the lights don’t get too hot.

Beware of human forgetfulness

We make blunders and are prone to forgetfulness as simple humans. Talk about electrical safety with your employees on a regular basis, and post signage throughout the office as reminders of how to do so. 

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Talk To Maris

Visionary entrepreneur of Voltronix Group, driving innovation and excellence.

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